Sorry it's been so long since I've updated the blog. Life gets crazier every day. We've had our hands full with Daniel. Right around the time he turned 6 weeks old, he started getting very fussy. He got hysterical at night, taking us (sometimes) 3 hours to get him to go to sleep. I've cut dairy out of my diet, which the doctor says can be a factor in his crying. I'm not sure it's made much of a difference though.
Now that he's 2 months old, he's been getting better. I think the root of his crying stems from him not getting enough sleep. He doesn't like to nap during the day. Most days I can only get him to take a couple 30 minute naps throughout the whole day. Recently, he's been sleeping better at night- the last two nights he's slept for almost 7 hours straight!! I've also been able to get him to nap a little longer. He's going on 2 hours right now which is why I'm finally able to update the blog ;-).
Mamie had to watch Daniel along with the twins yesterday when I started back to work. Unfortunately, he didn't nap very well for her, but she managed quite well. I had a very hard time leaving him, even though I knew he was in GREAT hands. I can't imagine what I would have done if I had to leave him at daycare.
We went for his two month check up last week, and he's doing great. He's 12 lbs, 9 o
zs and 23 inches. He had to get a ton of vaccines at this check-up. He ended up getting 4 injections, two in each thigh. He did very well. He settled down after I fed him, and he slept the whole way home.
Mike and I are enjoying every second with Daniel, even when he's crying. He's really starting to be aware of his surroundings and is cooing and laughing all the time. Here are some updated pictures of his most recent expressions along with a couple other cute shots.