Daniel went for his one month check up today and he's growing like a weed. He weighed in at 10lbs 9 1/2oz and measured 22 1/4 inches long. He was such a big boy at the doctor's office. He didn't cry at all when the doctor was doing the exam. He only cried when he got his vaccination, and that was very brief. He stopped crying once Mommy held him. The picture below was taken once we got home from his visit. He was sound asleep. Aslo included are a couple more recent photos.

1 comment:
Mamie can't believe how much Daniel has grown! I had the pleasure of being with him and his Mommy for his check-up at the Dr. He was a little angel. He is so sweet and becoming so alert and wide-eyed. Watches Mommy like crazy. I got to hold him for an hour the other day and loved every minute of it! Can't wait to see him again.
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