Daniel Has Arrived!
Daniel Parker Gallagher was born this past Friday, July 25, 2008 at 7:50pm. He weighed in at 8lb 1oz and measured 20 inches long.
After 13 hours of labor, I was taken in for a cesarean section. I'm doing great and so is Daniel. The doctors say he's a very healthy baby. We came home from the hospital Monday morning and have been enjoying every minute. Dad is doing great. He has been wonderful with his new son.
We're still trying to get into a routine. We've had a few sleepless nights, but that is to be expected. In all, we are doing great and we are both absolutely smitten with our new son.
Well, enough about us....here's what you really want- PICTURES!!!

Proud Mommy and Daddy

Daniel meets his Mamie and Mom-mom for the first time

Daniel and Pop-pop